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Ankle Sprain 101: What You Need to Know About This Common Injury


Colored illustration of the limbs below the knee with the Left ankle twisted inwards


Welcome back to the Health for the Spirit, Soul, and Body blog! Today, we're going to shed light on a familiar and often experienced injury - the ankle sprain. Our mission is to provide clarity about its characteristics, causes, symptoms, and preventative steps, ensuring you're well-equipped to take good care of your ankles.

What is an Ankle Sprain?

An ankle sprain refers to the overstretching or tearing of the ligaments (fibrous tissue that connects bones to other bones) in the ankle. These ligaments provide stability to the ankle joint, and when they're overstretched or torn, it leads to pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the joint.

Other Names for Ankle Sprain

Sometimes, an ankle sprain is casually referred to as a "twisted ankle" or "rolled ankle". These names come from the common movements or actions that can lead to this kind of injury.

Symptoms of Ankle Sprain

If you've sprained your ankle, you may experience:

  • Swelling and redness around the affected area.

  • Tenderness to touch.

  • Pain when moving or putting weight on the ankle.

  • Bruising, indicating bleeding beneath the skin due to damaged blood vessels.

  • Limited range of motion in the ankle.

Causes of Ankle Sprain

The main causes of an ankle sprain include:

  • Turning or twisting the ankle awkwardly: This is often seen in athletes or during regular activities like missing a step on the stairs.

  • Stepping on uneven surfaces: This can force the foot and ankle into an unnatural position.

  • Colliding with another person or object, causing a sudden force on the ankle joint.

  • Previous ankle injuries: Once you've had an ankle sprain, the ligaments may be weakened, increasing the risk of another sprain.

Diagnosing Ankle Sprain

If you suspect you have sprained your ankle, it's essential to visit a healthcare provider. They'll review your symptoms, ask about the injury, and physically examine the ankle. In some cases, they may suggest X-rays (images that show the inside of your body) or MRI scans (a test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to produce detailed images) to ensure no bones are broken or to assess the ligament damage's severity.

Treatment Options for Ankle Sprain

Treatment largely depends on the sprain's severity:

  • For mild sprains, applying ice, elevating the foot, compression with a bandage, and rest might suffice.

  • In moderate cases, physical therapy and specific exercises could help in restoring strength and flexibility.

  • Severe sprains, especially where ligaments are completely torn, might necessitate braces or even surgery. Always consult your healthcare provider for advice tailored to your situation.

Preventive Measures to Avoid Ankle Sprain

Guarding against ankle sprains involves:

  • Wearing proper footwear that offers ankle support.

  • Being cautious on uneven terrains or slippery surfaces.

  • Including ankle-strengthening exercises in your regular fitness regimen.

  • Using caution during sports or activities with a high risk of ankle injury.


Ankle sprains, while common, can be painful and hinder your daily activities. By understanding its causes, symptoms, and preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of facing this injury. If you believe you've sprained your ankle, always reach out to a medical professional for guidance.

Thank you for staying informed and prioritizing the health of your spirit, soul, and body. If this article has been of help, do share it with others, and always remember to take those preventive steps to ensure the well-being of your ankles!

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